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September 2014

redox and magnetic

Full Professor

Sorbonne Université

Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire


Scientific Project

1) Electro- / Photo-switchable molecules

2) Molecular and Hybrid Materials based on Molecular Switches

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December 2011

Associate Professor

Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Paris 6

Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire



Scientific Project

Toward the design of

switchable magnetic molecules

Septembre 2004

Assistant Professor

Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Paris 6

Lab. Chimie Inorganique et Matériaux Moléculaires


Scientific Project

Metallo-supramolecular approach for the design of multifunctional magnetic materials

April - August 2004

POST-DOCTORAL R.A., Univ. Manchester (UK)

EPR of Polymetallic Cr and V-based Crown Complexes

Sup. E. MacInnes, D. Collison, R. WInpenny

May 2002 - April 2004


Paramagnetic Solid-State NMR of Hexacyanometallates

Sup. Frank H. Köhler

Dec. 1999 - May 2002

PhD THESIS, Universidad de Valencia (SP)

Synthesis, Magnetic and Structural Characterizations of low dimensional Coordination Complexes based on Cyanido and Oxalato Ligands

Sup. M. Julve, M. Verdaguer

July - Nov. 1999

PRE-DOCTORAL, Oklahomma State University (USA)

functionalized clays for water depolution

Sup. I. Lagadic

Oct. 1998 - June 1999

Research Trainning during M2 (DEA), Univ. d'Orsay - Paris Sud (FR)

Fe(III) spin transition complexes containing isomerizable ligand

Sup. M-L Boillot

June 1998

DEA Chimie Inorganique et Matériaux Moléculaires

Formation commune aux Universités Paris 11, Paris 6 et UVSQ

June 1997

Maitrise es Sciences Physiques

Univ. Nantes

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