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Current Ph.D. Students


PhD student

ANR Fellowship

Electronically active Ultra-thin films

sup. Volodymyr Malytzkyi (IPCM)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

Master 2021, Universita degli studi di Torino


Sofia Frida RUSSI

Cub'ic switches ...


PhD student

MESR Fellowship

Hybrid Materials based on Cubic Switches

sup. Volodymyr Malytsky (IPCM)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

Master 2021, Sorbonne Université,

Paris, France


working on cubes..


PhD student

CSC Fellowship


Molecular Materials for Multivalent-ion batteries

sup. Damian Dambournet (PHENIX)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

PhD student

Guangzhou Fellowship

Multisensitive Molecular Switches

sup. Yanling Li (IPCM)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

PhD student

Guangzhou Fellowship

Multisensitive Molecular Switches

sup. Yanling Li (IPCM)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

PhD student

CSC Fellowship

Electro-active Molecular Materials

for ion batteries

sup. Damien Dambournet (PHENIX)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

Master 2020, Tongji Univeristy

Shangai, CHINA

Master 2020, at Tongji University,

Shanghai, China


September 2024, Sorbonne Université

electro-active molecular materials for ion-batteries

Bright and hard worker student looking for a post-doc !

Strongly recommended.

Former PhD

Former Ph.D. Students


PhD student

Guangzhou Fellowship

Multisensitive Molecular Switches

sup. Yanling Li (IPCM)

Rodrigue Lescouëzec (IPCM)

Master 2019, South China University of Technology,

Guangzhou, China

Buqin XU

November 2022, Sorbonne Université

pressure-induced conversion of paramagnetic complexes

into magnetic switches

Buqin has  first joined Univ. of Lyon for a post doc  under the supervision of A. Demessence. She then joined PSL univ. for a second post-doc RA position.



January 2021, Sorbonne Université

Redox and Magnetic molecular swicthes

After her Ph.D Jana has travelled around in nice Islands, taught chemistry, math and english. She has joined the Univ. of Valenvia, ICMMOL for a post-doc. in the group of M. Jimenez and G. Minguez to work on MOFs. She recently got a "Juan de la Cierva" R.A. position there..



February 2019, Sorbonne Université

Magnetic molecular switches: From their synthesis to their integration into hybrid (nano)materials

After her PhD, Amina joined the Moltech lab at Angers (FR) to work with S. Goeb and then the group of C. PIguet in Geneva

Currently Assistant Professor at University of Brest (UBO, CEMCA lab)



December 2017, Univ. Paris 6

Soluble cyanide-bridged cubes: Structure, (photo)magnetism and redox behaviour

After his PhD Juan has joined the group of C. Piguet in Geneva,

and then the group of E. Colacio in Granada in 2021. He got there a "Juan de La Cierva" incorporation grant, and later a "Ramon y Cajal" R.A. position.


Delphine GARNIER

July 2015, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech - Univ. Paris 6

Open-shell Coordination Compounds based on Cyanide and Scorpionate Ligands  (cotutelle KIT - Paris6)

After her PhD, Delphine first joined the University of Stuttgart and then the Univ. Strasbourg-FR as CNRS-Engineer. She is  now ""Responsable pilotage scientifique et administratif" PACSI


Siddhartha DE

January 2016, Univ. Paris 6

NMR spectroscopy as a tool for studying Molecular Magnetic Materials

After his PhD, Sidd joined the group of Clérac & Deschambenoit in Bordeaux-FR ifor a post-doc position. Then he moced in Lyon-FR to work with Dr A. Fateeva. He has recently joined the group of R. Layfield in UK (Sussex Univ.)


Abhishake MONDAL

July 2013, Paris

Switchable Molecular Magnetic Materials

After his PhD, Abhi joined the group of A. Powell (KIT) and then the group of R. Clérac (Bordeaux). He is now Professor at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India

=> visit his web site

Dr Yanling Li , Research Ingeener, CNRS


Yanling, CNRS Research Engineer (1st class),

got involved in the magnetic study of molecular systems as she joined the lab in 2004.

She has become en expert in photomagnetic measurements and

she is now developing a research axis on the effect of pressure on switchable Charge Transfer systems.

Got her Habilitation in 2022

Learn more about Yanling here

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