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What a S'witch !

Cs⊂{Fe4Fe4} cube can be reversibly converted into 9 different redox states in solution. By changing the electric potential, LMCT, MLCT and MMCT transitions can be switched on and off  leading to at least 3 very different optical signatures. 
Not only that ! The cube is also a MMS,  showing a Spin-transition in the neutral form in the solide-state


Amina Benchohra & Co

Many efforts are currently devoted in depositing ultra-thin layers of SCO Molecular Switches onto surfaces. Most of the time,  researchers use evaporation methods applied to robust neutral monometallic complexes. Things are more complicated with polymetallic charged complexes that can undergo dissociation, etc... unless you find the good way.

Here we showed with the help of the colleagues from LRS lab (Sorbonne Univ.) that EI allow depositing cubes onto Gold(111)

What's Next ?  Probing that the switching properties are preserved, another story...

More in Chem. Commun. 2020 DOI :10.1039/D0CC01906B


Fe4Mn4-Electron Transfer.png

While the switchable properties of the FeCo PBA (first observed by Sato et al in 1996) can be "easily" transferred to discrete molecular systems, things seem much more complicated in the case of the FeMn systems... After some efforts studying cyanide-bridged FeMn systems showing intringuing behaviours, we decided to publish that cube, which shows a  fragile transition ascribed to a FeMn electron transfer, together with interesting electronic properties in solution...
More in Angew. Chem. 2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201916199


Juan Jiménez, Akira Sugahara & Co

In the frame of an ANR-JST joined project, we have been investigated the intercalation of cation into cyanido-molecular materials.

In this work Juan and Akira showed that "simple" monodimentional cyanide-bridged complex can reversibly intercalate Li+ ions. Although the material becomes amorphous during the Li intercalation process, crystallinity is recovered once the Li is removed. All the process can be repeated at least 20 times without significant loss of capacity.

More in Chem. Comm. 2018 DOI : 10.1039/C8CC01374H


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